Sunday, August 25, 2019

Informational Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Informational Interview - Essay Example As such, the three (3) held positions as professors and one was a medical practitioner who applied the degree in psychology. First of all, when I learned of the requirements of the interview, I was anxious and excited. I felt challenged since I do not know the approach that must be taken to enable gathering the needed information. Second, since I was immensely interested in pursuing a career as an educator with theoretical competence in the field of psychology, I am intent on learning relevant insights from people who are currently in the same profession. Finally, despite the mixed emotions, I affirm the need to abide by the academic requirements to achieve the learning objectives. their careers. I was given insights on the good and bad parts of the job; or the challenging aspects as well as the rewarding portions. I was keenly interested in determining the rationales for deciding pursuing their careers. Finally, I was also provided with crucial information on the qualities they felt were needed to do their jobs. I was excited with the information that I gathered and which provided new insights in the chosen profession. The information that was shared enabled confirming that the chosen career is indeed right for me. By indicating the good and bad parts or the challenges and successes, one realized that despite the difficulties, the benefits and rewards are potentially fulfilling. Likewise, their stories that they shared confirmed that I really wanted to assume similar roles and responsibilities expected from the profession. The compensation, working environment, and potentials for growth match my long term professional goals. higher education, both in psychology and education. I realize that the first step is to gain degrees in these programs. Afterwards, I plan to pursue masteral degrees in both programs to assist in gaining advanced theoretical frameworks on both fields of disciplines. As I gain employment, either

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