Friday, September 27, 2019

Platon's Allegory of the Cave. Reaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Platon's Allegory of the Cave. Reaction - Essay Example According to the allegory tells of a story where there are prisoners put in a cave chained together from childhood each of them facing the wall. Behind them is a huge fire that causes shadows to be formed on the wall. Therefore the prisoners only see the shadow and according to the allegory the prisoners come to accept the shadow is real since they are unable to grasp the whole picture. They basically accept what they are accustomed to seeing. The shadows represent the messages given to the society by politicians, people in business and the media who control how we perceive things. There are many chains holding people prisoners in a cave for fear of cultural acceptance for instance when a political leader wants to spread propaganda. Many people would want just to believe â€Å"the shadow† projected to them rather than see the actual objects. After a while one of the prisoners is escapes captivity and this forces him to see the bigger picture of the cave. He is also made to move out of his familiar cave into the light which he painfully does. He is able to see the object casting the shadows these represents the things that influence our perceptions and sense of judgment. They include people in politics, media, and business, religious and educational leaders. Our leaders tell us what to believe they pass on to us their own ideologies for example our political leaders. Most people do not want to formulate their own opinions and would rather depend on what is projected for them Being accustomed to living in the cave moving out into the light is not easy. He has to adjust to bright sunshine light. His eyes slowly open up to accommodated the light and in parallel to accommodate a fundamental view of the world. The prisoner has a newer view of reality and is transformed. In the light the prisoner comes to see a deeper, clearer and a truthful reality influenced by reason. The sun refers to the good that comes with the beauty and is so eager to share this

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