Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Annotated Bibliography Assignment - Essay Example It elaborates on key steps such as peer criticism, observation, instructor guidance and personal experience. I gained access to this source through, under the search name of informative speech. The book publication delves into three objectives critical in public speaking. This include, educating students on the ethical implications of their word, acknowledging respect to audience diversity and civic life preparation. Furthermore, the book advances advice necessary for effective public speaking and expounds on the logic behind the advice. . I gained access to this source through, under the search name of informative speech. This book explains on the strategies and process that can be used by students in the process of developing into effective and confident public speakers. It offers a diverse and unique learning style that acknowledges audience diversity, ethical public speaking and taming of communication fear. I gained access to this source through, under the search name of informative speech. This book highlights and describes the various challenges of effective public speaking such as anxiety. Furthermore, it offers a thorough six step process of â€Å"Speech Planning Action Steps,† designed to prepare students in effective speech delivery. Consequently, the reader is able to attain good grades in public speaking course. . I gained access to this source through, under the search name of informative

Monday, October 28, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Organizational Structures Essay Example for Free

Advantages and Disadvantages of Organizational Structures Essay Departmentalization: Advantage- More specialized in certain fields, communication is excellent because of the knowledge one has about the function of the job, easier to work as a team to get better results. Disadvantage-Staff does not always know the case of the client in detail, other organizations may not always talk to the same person, and very specific job knowledge is required, hard to find a fill in for positions. Matrix Organizations: Advantages-more flexible than departmentalization, more than one person in charge that one can go to for assistance, wider choice for employees that fit the need. Disadvantages-employees are harder to manage due to independence, could increase expenses, more employees needed, lack of loyalty to position, constant team work needed. The Project Team: Advantages-less managers, better communication, less stress on one person. Disadvantages-who is in charge may create conflict, lack of consideration for others, lack of accountability, lack of job focus. The collegial model: Advantages-independent functioning, independent decision making, each person is equal in responsibility, each generates own income, total flexibility. Disadvantages-lack of accountability, lack of authority. In day to day operations the Matrix structure would serve well for a counseling center as its advantages are stronger than its disadvantages, Project Team structure would be the better choice for the center as it has a stronger back bone to carry the center. The Departmentalization structure is the strongest of all choices as it divides the employees by knowledge and has a better opportunity to assist clients. The collegial model would not be efficient in a counseling center as there is no real set structure for day to day operations; its disadvantages are stronger than its advantages.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Hamlets Faith Costs Him His Life :: essays research papers

A great chain of events in "Hamlet", Shakespeare's great revenge tragedy, leads to Hamlet's own demise. His necessity for subterfuge allows him to inadvertently neglect is main objective, revenge. So much so that the ghost of his dead father appears to stipulate Hamlet's reserved behavior towards his fathers revenge. "Do not forget. This visitation is to whet thy almost blunted purpose," (83-84) says the ghost in a motivational manner which almost suggests a lack of faith on Hamlet's behalf. Nevertheless, Hamlet is overflowing with faith. Faith in god, faith in himself, even faith in his dead father's ghost a faith that will cost him his life. The untimely "Death" of King Hamlet, Hamlet's father, has sparked a disturbance in the regularity of Denmark. Hamlet's mother has waited "Not so much, not two" (12) months after the Kings death to remarry and her new husband, who coincidentally is King Hamlet's brother, has swiftly embraced the throne. As the plot unfolds, King Hamlet's ghost appears to young Hamlet. He explains the current dilemma and elicits a vengeful feeling from Hamlet, providing young Hamlet with purpose, to "Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder". (25) At first, Hamlet is weary of this appearance, but he compromises his thoughts and put his faith in the ghost. In addition, the ghost even evokes a vow of allegiance from Hamlet. However, at this juncture in time, Hamlet finds himself in a state of disbelief. "And shall I couple hell?" (26) speaks Hamlet once the ghost has departed, suggesting that Hamlet is very doubtful. However, his doubts are subsequently invalidated at the performance of 'The Murder of Gonzago' where he requests a group of players to enact a similar murder to that of King Hamlet's. "I'll have these players play something like the murder of my father before mine uncle.... The plays the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King". (55) Towards the end of the play, Claudius hastily removes himself from the crowd, verifying Hamlet's suspicions. Now, Hamlet not only possesses every reason to believe the ghost, but entrusts his faith in the ghost as well. However, Hamlet's faith does not lie solely in the ghost. He has another kind of faith faith in himself. Hamlet's belief that he can see through his revenge blatantly exemplifies his faith in himself. In several instances, Hamlet requires himself to act mad "To put an Antic disposition on" (30) if you will.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Metasizing Cancer Cells Essay -- Biology

The human body encompasses some thirty trillion cells. The cells which comprise normal, healthy tissues in the body live in an interdependent relationship with surrounding cells. These tissues are intricately arranged into a marvelous array of cell to cell adhesions and extracellular matrixes. Healthy cells reproduce in a coordinated manner which insures that a particular body tissue maintains its appropriate size, form, and function. Cells which have lost the ability to reproduce in a controlled fashion are termed cancerous cells. Cancer cells proliferate uncontrollably forming tumors causing disruption in the normal form and function of body tissues. The most dangerous of the cancer cells are those that can metastasize, which is the ability of the cell to migrate from the original or primary tumor site to a distant site where they establish secondary tumors. This is what makes metastasizing cancer cells so lethal and distinguishes a malignant cancer from a non-malignant cancer. Migrating Cancer Cell in vitro In order to accomplish such a migration, the malignant cells need to proceed through a series of steps which include: 1. detachment from the primary tumor mass 2. degradation of the basement membrane 3. migration to and invasion of a nearby blood or lymphatic vessel 4. survival within the blood or lymph system 5. attachment to the wall of the vessel at some distant site 6. penetration of the vessel wall and exiting of the vessel 7. migration to a site where a secondary tumor is established. The Role of Anchorage Dependence in Metastasis The mechanisms involved in the survival of a cell detached from the extracellular matrix are of great interest. Normal cells are anchorage dependent and... ...f mitastasis. This is primarily due the circulatory system's architecture. After cancer cells from the skin or other tissues find their way to the blood stream, they migrate downstream to the first capillary bed. For most organs, the lungs contain the first capillary bed downstream which enables the cancer to lodge in small blood vessels proliferate there. Prostate Cancer and its Effects Prostate Cancer often spreads to the bones. But unlike melanoma which becomes physically traped in the blood vessels, prostate cancer also seeks out a definitive adhesion molecule located on the stromal cell of the bone. The prostate cancer has a receptor which only recognizes this molecule, so will only adhere to this particular one. Colorectal Cancer and its Effects Colorectal cancer typically metastasize to the liver due to the intestines sending their blood here first.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Uses of Job Description

Usefulness of Job Description 1. It Helps identify a job, distinguishing it from other jobs by its title. 2. It serves as a guide in employee recruitment, selection, and placement. 3. It establishes proper relationship between one job and the others within the same salary bracket. 4. It facilitates comparisons with similar jobs in other firms for purposes of wage surveys. 5. It serves as a guide in the organization and administration of a department, division, section, or unit. 6. It helps to form lines of promotion or transfer and to spot employees who need further training. . It contributes to the personal satisfaction of every individual employee with his job. Components of Job Design Job specialization Job expansion Psychological components Self-directed teams Motivation and incentive systems Ergonomics and work methods Job Specialization †¢ Involves o Breaking jobs into small component parts o Assigning specialists to do each part †¢ First noted by Adam Smith (1776) o Observed how workers in pin factory divided tasks into smaller components †¢ Found in manufacturing & service industriesJob Specialization Often Reduces Cost †¢ Greater dexterity & faster learning †¢ Less lost time changing jobs or tools †¢ Use more specialized tools †¢ Pay only for needed skills Job Expansion Process of adding more variety to jobs Intended to reduce boredom associated with labor specialization Methods o Job enlargement o Job enrichment o Job rotation o Employee empowerment Psychological Components of Job Design †¢ Individuals have values, attitudes, and emotions that affect job results o Example: Work is a social experience that affects belonging needs Effective worker behavior comes mostly from within the individual o Scientific management argued for external financial rewards †¢ First examined in ‘Hawthorne studies’ Self-Directed Teams Group of empowered individuals working together for a common goal May be organize d for short-term or long-term objectives Reasons for effectiveness o Provide employee empowerment o Provide core job characteristics o Meet psychological needs (e. g. , belonging) Motivation Worker performance depends on o Motivation o Ability o Work environmentMotivation is the set of forces that compel behavior Money may serve as a psychological & financial motivator Incentive systems o Measured daywork: Pay based on standard time o Piece rate: Pay based on pieces done Ergonomics and Work Methods Worker performance depends on o Motivation o Ability o Work environment Foundation laid by Frederick Taylor o Match employees to task o Develop work methods o Establish work standards Ergonomics Study of work Also called ‘human factors’ Involves human-machine interface Examples o Mouse o Keyboard

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Brief Guide to Defining Money

A Brief Guide to Defining Money The Economics Glossary defines money as follows: Money is a good that acts as a medium of exchange in transactions. Classically it is said that money acts as a unit of account, a store of value, and a medium of exchange. Most authors find that the first two are nonessential properties that follow from the third. In fact, other goods are often better than money at being intertemporal stores of value, since most monies degrade in value over time through inflation or the overthrow of governments. The Purpose of Money So, money isnt just pieces of paper. Its a medium of exchange that facilitates trade. Suppose I have a Wayne Gretzky hockey card that Id like to exchange for a new pair of shoes. Without the use of money, I have to find a person, or combination of people who have an extra pair of shoes to give up, and just happen to be looking for a Wayne Gretzky hockey card. Quite obviously, this would be quite difficult. This is known as the double coincidence of wants problem: [T]he double coincidence is the situation where the supplier of good A wants good B and the supplier of good B wants good A. The point is that the institution of money gives us a more flexible approach to trade than barter, which has the double coincidence of wants problem. Also known as dual coincidence of wants. Since money is a recognized medium of exchange, I do not have to find someone who has a pair of new shoes and is looking for a Wayne Gretzky hockey card. I just need to find someone who is looking for a Gretzky card who is willing to pay enough money so I can get a new pair at Footlocker. This is a far easier problem, and thus our lives are a lot easier, and our economy more efficient, with the existance of money. How Money Is Measured As for what constitutes money and what does not, the following definition is provided by The Federal Reserve Bank of New York: The Federal Reserve publishes weekly and monthly data on three money supply measures M1, M2, and M3 as well as data on the total amount of debt of the nonfinancial sectors of the U.S. economy... The money supply measures reflect the different degrees of liquidity or spendability - that different types of money have. The narrowest measure, M1, is restricted to the most liquid forms of money; it consists of currency in the hands of the public; travelers checks; demand deposits, and other deposits against which checks can be written. M2 includes M1, plus savings accounts, time deposits of under $100,000, and balances in retail money market mutual funds. M3 includes M2 plus large-denomination ($100,000 or more) time deposits, balances in institutional money funds, repurchase liabilities issued by depository institutions, and Eurodollars held by U.S. residents at foreign branches of U.S. banks and at all banks in the United Kingdom and Canada. So there are several different classifications of money. Note that credit cards are not a form of money. Note that money is not the same thing as wealth. We cannot make ourselves richer by simply printing more money.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Straight Pool By John OHara

The short story â€Å"Straight Poolâ€Å", written by John O’Hara, is one of the most interesting and mysterious stories in the anthology, Points of View. The story shows O’Hara’s masterful ability to create drama and intrigue and to involve the reader in the lives of three characters in few short pages. â€Å"Straight Pool† is a very ambiguous story in which the main point of the story is left up to the reader’s imagination. The story begins with a monologue by a loyal, yet confused husband, who is playing pool with his friend Jack Mc Morrow. The speaker is discussing his wife and her problems and his feelings about her behavior. But the monologue can be viewed in different lights. On surface, this could be a simple story about two friends playing pool while one complains about his wife. However, with the clues given throughout the text and some imagination, it might be that the narrator’s wife is having an affair with his pool partner. In the beginning of the story, the narrator discusses how long it has been since he has even picked up a cue stick. He talks about his wife, Mae and how she keeps having crying fits, and that he is afraid to leave her alone. As a result he says that he stopped playing pool to take care of his wife. He goes on to say that if he does try to leave the house, his wife â€Å"all of a sudden stops crying and sits there looking at me, not saying a word, and it’s worse than her crying. (Pg. 32)† In the scenario in which it seems like Mae is having an affair, she could be crying because she feels lost in her marriage and so guilty about her actions. Every time she sees him it reminds her about how bad she feels and what she is doing and she starts sobbing. It seems that she still cares about her husband, but she does not love him. For example, she will not tell him that she his having an affair, either because she is afraid, or just does not want to see him hurt. It could also be argued that her action... Free Essays on Straight Pool By John O'Hara Free Essays on Straight Pool By John O'Hara The short story â€Å"Straight Poolâ€Å", written by John O’Hara, is one of the most interesting and mysterious stories in the anthology, Points of View. The story shows O’Hara’s masterful ability to create drama and intrigue and to involve the reader in the lives of three characters in few short pages. â€Å"Straight Pool† is a very ambiguous story in which the main point of the story is left up to the reader’s imagination. The story begins with a monologue by a loyal, yet confused husband, who is playing pool with his friend Jack Mc Morrow. The speaker is discussing his wife and her problems and his feelings about her behavior. But the monologue can be viewed in different lights. On surface, this could be a simple story about two friends playing pool while one complains about his wife. However, with the clues given throughout the text and some imagination, it might be that the narrator’s wife is having an affair with his pool partner. In the beginning of the story, the narrator discusses how long it has been since he has even picked up a cue stick. He talks about his wife, Mae and how she keeps having crying fits, and that he is afraid to leave her alone. As a result he says that he stopped playing pool to take care of his wife. He goes on to say that if he does try to leave the house, his wife â€Å"all of a sudden stops crying and sits there looking at me, not saying a word, and it’s worse than her crying. (Pg. 32)† In the scenario in which it seems like Mae is having an affair, she could be crying because she feels lost in her marriage and so guilty about her actions. Every time she sees him it reminds her about how bad she feels and what she is doing and she starts sobbing. It seems that she still cares about her husband, but she does not love him. For example, she will not tell him that she his having an affair, either because she is afraid, or just does not want to see him hurt. It could also be argued that her action...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Creative Metaphor - Definition and Examples

Creative Metaphor s A creative metaphor is an original comparison that calls attention to itself as a figure of speech. Also known as a  poetic metaphor, literary metaphor, novel metaphor, and unconventional metaphor.  Contrast with conventional metaphor  and dead metaphor.  American philosopher Richard Rorty characterized the creative metaphor as a challenge to established schemes and conventional perceptions: A metaphor is, so to speak, a voice from outside logical space. It is a call to change ones language and ones life, rather than a proposal about how to systematize them (Metaphor as the Growing Point of Language, 1991). Examples and Observations Her tall black-suited body seemed to carve its way through the crowded room.(Josephine Hart, Damage, 1991)Fear is a slinking cat I findBeneath the lilacs of my mind.(Sophie Tunnell, Fear)The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.(Ezra Pound, In a Station of the Metro)Yeatss Dolphin-torn . . . SeaThose images that yetFresh images beget,That dolphin-torn, that gong-tormented sea.(W.B. Yeats, Byzantium)- Although this last line is acutely visual, its three main items, dolphin, gong and sea are as much literal as metaphoric elements of the scene: the poem had begun with the cathedral gong ringing out over the sea, and had gone on to speak of the dolphins in the waters around Byzantium. Of course, dolphin and gong also stand for something elsethe vitality of the living animal, the majesty and authority of religion over the spirit, but they do this primarily as images. Direct metaphor is reduced to a subordinate position here, in the words torn and tormented, since neither of them can literally be applied to water. The first very vividly catches the force with which the dolphin leaps from and returns to its elements. The second communicates the extent to which that element is troubled by the demands of the spiritual.(Stan Smith, W.B. Yeats: A Critical Introduction. Rowman Littlefield, 1990)- By using metaphors, much more can be conveyed, through implication and connotation, than through straightforward, literal  language. Take the case of . . . that literary metaphor dolphin-torn: what exactly is Yeats suggesting about the sea, and how else could this have been expressed? Just as writers convey meaning more open-endedly when they use metaphorical language, readers interpret less narrowly than they would literal language. So meaning is communicated between writer and reader in a less precise way, even though the metaphors may seem concrete and vivid. It is this imprecision, this fuzziness of meaning, which makes metaphor such a powerfu l tool in the communication of emotion, evaluation, and explanation too.(Murray Knowles and Rosamund Moon, Introducing Metaphor. Routledge, 2006) Creative Metaphors Outside LiteratureThe chaotic category creative metaphor includes typically literary examples such as novel metaphors and poetic metaphors. The crucial question is, however, whether it is possible to extend this category beyond literary examples. If this is possibleand an examination of the terms creative and creativity suggests that it isthen it will be possible to find many creative metaphors even in political discourse which is, actually, not very famous for being creative.(Ralph Mueller, Critical Metaphors of Creative Metaphors in Political Speeches. Researching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World, ed. by Graham Low, Zazie Todd, Alice Deignan, and Lynne Cameron. John Benjamins, 2010)Communicating Through Metaphors- Even though our individual stories are different, we communicate through the common language of metaphor by embodying our ideas in images and details. By ruminating upon ourselves, we also conjure stories of others. By this acknowledgment of othe rs experiences, we address a whole range of social, political, and cultural issues.Its impossible to live every life, fight every war, battle every illness, belong to every tribe, believe in every religion. The only way we come close to the whole experience is by embracing what we see both inside and outside the window of the page.(Sue William Silverman, Fearless Confessions: A Writers Guide to Memoir. University of Georgia Press, 2009)- The ground of appropriateness for a new insight provided by a creative metaphorthe compelling condition of the new similarity, what suggests that it fitscannot be restricted to a complex of established perspectives. For it is this complex, or some part of it, that is challenged by the new insight.(Carl R. Hausman, Metaphor and Art. Cambridge University Press, 1989)   See also: MetaphorLove Is a MetaphorThirteen Ways of Looking at a MetaphorUsing Similes and MetaphorsWhat Is a Metaphor?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Computer Forensic Examiner Field Report Case Study

Computer Forensic Examiner Field Report - Case Study Example During the process of gathering digital evidence, elaborate documentation is necessary to help identity evidence, and demonstrate policies used in the exercise. In addition, appropriate documentation is essential in the location of evidence found in a crime scene. In relation to documentation, a clear chain of custody helps determine analysts involved in handling of evidence. It also identifies the owners of evidence and persons who receive it, as well as store them (Turkey, 2008). This concept is vital in tracing the movement of evidence from one analyst to another. During a digital evidence fieldwork, an evidence custodian will keep accurate documentation of the evidence and ensure that evidence has tags and stored in secure bags ready for transport. The most vital reason for maintaining chain of custody is ensuring that digital evidence is admissible as evidence (Soloman, 2011, p.55). Concisely, the above tasks transpired during a recent digital evidence fieldwork where I was call ed to identify, secure, and preserve digital evidence from a suspected corporate user. Observation Last week on 25 November 2012, our department received a request to from a local media firm for a digital evidence analysis. ... The room had several other pieces of computer hardware such as servers, switches, and network cables. There were some shelves on the right with some five computers. The administrator, who was showing us the computers, pointed at the computers and told us that the suspect used one of the computers. Seeing that we had room to use for the investigation, I agreed with Dorothy what we could carry identify the evidence on it. First, we asked the network administrator to help us identify the suspect computer. To do this, we asked network administrator to produce a list of IP address and associated MAC addresses during the period when the crime is believed to have occurred. Being that the he had prior records, we had the Mac address of the suspect computer, 00:80:R2:45:F7:67. We booted all the computers and indented the computer with the above MAC address. Dorothy documented the model of the computer and the serial number she found underneath the computer. Evidence collection Being that the owner of the computers—the media firm—we were ready to begin collecting evidence of the alleged CP, which was a crime and against the policies of the firm. First, we ensured that no one was around the computer alone except for Dorothy and I as we did not want any disturbance. We opened the computer and using our tools, we run some applications to check if there was any evidence of CP in the suspect computer. The first tool that we used was Retriever, which searched the entire hard drive and located child pornography material in the disk drive. The computer had several files and links of child pornography in the internet history and browser cookies. We did document what the retriever software displayed as the search result. Moreover,

Friday, October 18, 2019

History of Design1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History of Design1 - Essay Example The two men wanted this group of people to show the unity between artists that did more than just make art, but make things that were of use to others. Adolf Loos was an Austrian and Czechoslovak architect, also active during the same time period as Moser and Hoffman. Loos became famous for his catchphrase "ornament and crime," which he meant to mean that he disowned the style of Vienna Secession. He felt that for a culture to progress creatively, it needed to rid itself of ornamentation on everyday items, stating that it was a crime when architects and designers continued the use of ornaments in their works. Loos ideas were at odds with the Wiener Werkstà ¤tte, who existence was to encourage the Vienna Succession and use of ornament within the architectural works. Loos was set against combining art with everyday objects due to the fact that he felt the two did not belong together. Art should be art, function and consumer goods should be what they

Essay on International business finance report

On International business finance report - Essay Example REPORT TO IBF Respected Directors, IBF London (U.K) Introduction IBF Supplies Plc is a London based large manufacturer and distributor of office supplies. A recent forecast shows decline has been shown in the demand for office supplies in the UK. At the same time it is anticipates a strong demand for office supplies in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa over the next several years. Hence, executives of IBF have started exploring the overseas markets and are planning to establish foreign subsidiaries in new markets. Before entering the market certain aspects are to be considered. These aspects include: Financial and non-financial factors The potential risks and possible external strategies to manage such risks. Other strategies available other than establishing a foreign subsidiary Financial and non-financial factors First of all it is to be made sure that whether the selected countries are going to produce the desired results or not. It is a good thing that IBF has anticipated a strong demand in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa for the type of goods it manufactures but again a detailed research needs to be done before taking any final decision. Developing a foreign subsidiary means establishing company’s branch outside the country to run as a separate entity than IBF the parent company itself.  There are a lot of things that need to be considered like the political stability of these selected countries, their legal systems, the fiscal policies, the monetary policies, availability of labor that is skilled, logistics infrastructure etc (Terpstra and Sarathy 2001). It is a good thing that IBF has a proactive approach but still there are a lot of things that are of utmost importance before any final decision can be taken. The financial situation of the company happens to be one very important factor to be considered before IBF can take any decision. The tax bracket is to be kept in mind before actually deciding to expand the business to a new area. The net wor th and the objectives of the company happen to be of critical importance. The level of risk that the company can afford to take is also a point of significant importance. While considering the financial factors, IBF needs to take a decision regarding choosing one of the two financing techniques or may be both the techniques. These two financing techniques are debt and equity financing. If IBF chooses debt financing to raise funds it means that the company will borrow money from another source like bank. IBF will have to return the loan with interest and it can be short term or long term. The other way is that of equity financing. In this way IBF can raise finance by selling off its business part to some other party like the investors or the venture capitalists. The company need to decide whether it is going to be generating funds locally or by the parent company. A detailed PESTEL Analysis is required that includes things like political factors etc. The forecasting regarding the exc hange rates and the taxation agreement needs to be done before taking any final decision. It is to be kept in mind that these foreign subsidiaries are going to be exposed to volatility of exchange rates. IBF will need to evaluate its risk associated with exchange of foreign currency through monitoring

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) To what is there a Essay

What is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) To what is there a business case for CSR - Essay Example This definition is to be found in the Green Book, which is the first documentation regarding corporate social responsibility to be published in accordance with the European Union’s initiative. From this definition it becomes obvious that companies consider social and environmental issues at the time of planning and implementing their activities. However, this entire exercise is conducted on a voluntary basis. The fundamental rules of conduct for companies are enshrined in the individual laws and regulations. However, the core of social responsibility rests on the fact that companies deliberate upon these issues in much greater detail and that their conduct is at a higher level than that enjoined by legislation (Kornfeldova & Myskova, 2012, p. 90). Moreover, CSR is best viewed in terms of its pillars. These are the social, environmental and economic pillars. The last of these, namely the economic pillar affects the local, national and global economies. It can be termed the fight against corruption, the support and development of employment, and the endeavour to mitigate unemployment (Kornfeldova & Myskova, 2012, p. 91). The environmental pillar relates to company activities that are focused upon the environment. It denotes reduction in the adverse influence of company activities on the environment, the protection of natural resources, employment of environment friendly technologies, and reduction in emissions and other pollutants. The social pillar relates to education and the development of human capital, employment, benefits, equal opportunities and employment policies (Kornfeldova & Myskova, 2012, p. 91). Furthermore, organisations and companies can distinguish themselves from other entities by employing the device of corporate social responsibility. With regard to this device it is essential to realise that compliance is voluntary, as there is no legislative imperative. The ethics codes, statements or policies relating to the responsibilities of a company declare whether it adheres to the principles of CSR (Kornfeldova, 2011, p. 107). Arguments Opposing Corporate Social Responsibility Consumers will pay more for products that are the result of socially responsible outcomes of a business. For example, one research study, established that consumers noticed more value and benefit, regarding the offer emanating from a socially responsible firm. In such instances, it was observed that the consumers were agreeable to paying even an additional 10% for such products. Furthermore, social action that was distinguished by a direct effect upon the life of consumers was seen to have a greater positive effect than social action with an indirect effect (Ferreira, et al., 2010, p. 208). However, social action with an indirect effect on the lives of consumers will have a smaller positive effect. In some cases, CSR will be detrimental to corporate interests. The following discussion supports this argument. CSR has been criticised for adopting practices that serve to camouflage or divert public attention from corporate illness. It never discloses what transpires in the company on a clandesti ne basis. A glaring illustration of this deceit was provided by Enron, which had been described as one of the 100 Best Companies to Work for in America. This company was honoured with six environmental awards in the year 2000. Subsequently, it was disgraced and branded the most irresponsible company in the US. Enron boasted of some of the best policies relating to anti – corruption, climate change, and human rights; and its demise caused considerable

Changes in American Transportation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Changes in American Transportation - Essay Example Transportation includes transportation of people, goods, and even animals.There were various means of transportation in America during the 1800's, including Steam Boats, Horses and the use of Public Ferry. Nowadays, transportation and communication are usually treated in different contexts. However, during early 1800's, long distance communication was very much dependent upon transportation. During that period, transportation was synonymous to communication, and the growth of transportation directly affected the developments in communication to a great extent. During the 1800's the 'pony couriers', a means of transportation as well as communication, influenced the history of transportation in America.In order to appreciate the changes in transportation during that period, it is necessary to analyze the process under the then prevailing circumstances, and gain an understanding of transportation methods and processes back then. A careful analysis of the newspapers of this period in the history provides glimpses of the status of transportations prevailed in those times. In America, transportation in the sea and waterways was already quite developed between 1800 and 1810. The use of steam boats started between 1800 and 1810. ... Transportation of the agricultural and industrial commodities strengthened the economy of the country. Within few years steam boar services grown very fast, catering to the development of the economy, and a news article is given below. Natchiz, Jan 2: Important Arrival - Arrived here on Monday last, the Steam-Boat from Pittsburgh which had as a regular trader She was only 921 hours underway from Pittsburgh to this place a distance of near two thousand miles."1 Before then, only the inland methods of transportation, like horses, mules and asses which remained primitive because of their slow pace of technological development, that Americans relied upon. Animals like horses, mules and asses were the means of transportation before 1800.This change in the mode of transportation enabled Americans to move from place to place more conveniently than they could before 1800. During the 1800's it was normal to come across the advertisements in newspapers, a sample of which is given below, for trading in horses. "A Mare and Horse for Sale, Classified Ad 4"2 Another change in the mode of transportation between 1800 and 1810 was the commencement of the use of Public ferries. Adverts like the one below were to be regularly seen in the newspapers then. "Be it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Common Council, and Freemen of the City of Hartford, That if any person shall willfully, or negligently, ride or drive any kind of Carriage, or Vehicle, or ride, lead, or drive any horse upon any Side Walk in laid City, now laid out, or hereafter to be laid out, unless for the purpose of necessarily... and to pay to such party just damages."3 "The port cities and ferry places were active with import and export of cargo of various types. Primitive types of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) To what is there a Essay

What is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) To what is there a business case for CSR - Essay Example This definition is to be found in the Green Book, which is the first documentation regarding corporate social responsibility to be published in accordance with the European Union’s initiative. From this definition it becomes obvious that companies consider social and environmental issues at the time of planning and implementing their activities. However, this entire exercise is conducted on a voluntary basis. The fundamental rules of conduct for companies are enshrined in the individual laws and regulations. However, the core of social responsibility rests on the fact that companies deliberate upon these issues in much greater detail and that their conduct is at a higher level than that enjoined by legislation (Kornfeldova & Myskova, 2012, p. 90). Moreover, CSR is best viewed in terms of its pillars. These are the social, environmental and economic pillars. The last of these, namely the economic pillar affects the local, national and global economies. It can be termed the fight against corruption, the support and development of employment, and the endeavour to mitigate unemployment (Kornfeldova & Myskova, 2012, p. 91). The environmental pillar relates to company activities that are focused upon the environment. It denotes reduction in the adverse influence of company activities on the environment, the protection of natural resources, employment of environment friendly technologies, and reduction in emissions and other pollutants. The social pillar relates to education and the development of human capital, employment, benefits, equal opportunities and employment policies (Kornfeldova & Myskova, 2012, p. 91). Furthermore, organisations and companies can distinguish themselves from other entities by employing the device of corporate social responsibility. With regard to this device it is essential to realise that compliance is voluntary, as there is no legislative imperative. The ethics codes, statements or policies relating to the responsibilities of a company declare whether it adheres to the principles of CSR (Kornfeldova, 2011, p. 107). Arguments Opposing Corporate Social Responsibility Consumers will pay more for products that are the result of socially responsible outcomes of a business. For example, one research study, established that consumers noticed more value and benefit, regarding the offer emanating from a socially responsible firm. In such instances, it was observed that the consumers were agreeable to paying even an additional 10% for such products. Furthermore, social action that was distinguished by a direct effect upon the life of consumers was seen to have a greater positive effect than social action with an indirect effect (Ferreira, et al., 2010, p. 208). However, social action with an indirect effect on the lives of consumers will have a smaller positive effect. In some cases, CSR will be detrimental to corporate interests. The following discussion supports this argument. CSR has been criticised for adopting practices that serve to camouflage or divert public attention from corporate illness. It never discloses what transpires in the company on a clandesti ne basis. A glaring illustration of this deceit was provided by Enron, which had been described as one of the 100 Best Companies to Work for in America. This company was honoured with six environmental awards in the year 2000. Subsequently, it was disgraced and branded the most irresponsible company in the US. Enron boasted of some of the best policies relating to anti – corruption, climate change, and human rights; and its demise caused considerable

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Importance of Shipping in the Transportation of Cars Essay - 2

Importance of Shipping in the Transportation of Cars - Essay Example Contemporarily, there are easily available cargo ships to transport 300 cars direct from Emden, Germany to Davisville, RI. The company that undertakes and supervises the whole shipping process of auto cars from Germany to the U.S is Metris Limited Company. The ship used by the company in the shipping processes is of the trump category that does not operate in a specific route. The company co-owned by a German business person together with two Americans from the state of West Virginia is easily available when contracted. The company has been shipping machines from Emden, Germany to Davisville for the last two years. The request to hire their ship is made one month earlier to facilitate legal and logistic preparation. So far it’s hard to quote the price. According to the policy of the Metris Limited Company, it negotiates their prices only after seeing and weighing the loads since they impose charges based on the weight of the cars for transportation. Secondly, if you make a longtime contract with them they will always allow 10 percent discount from the total cost to the customer. Therefore, it is more economical to make a long-term agreement with them to enjoy the weaver. They also take ownership of any loss incurred during transit of the cars from Emden, Germany to Davisville, RI in America as long as you attain the legal requirements. The remaining 50 percent of the payment is made before delivery and the rest made immediately after delivery. The shipping process takes the duration of approximately two months for the transportation and delivery of the auto cars from Emden, Germany to Davisville, RI. Hence, when making an order for the shipping transportation, it is essential to consider this time factor so as to adequately plan for the timely delivery and receipt of the cars. Importation of a vehicle to the Davisville, RI has a lot of legal handles and procedures. You have to subject a vehicle to several acts like the Motor vehicle Safety standards act 1966 and the clean air act of 1968 (Hinkelmans 272). The shipping regulations in the U.S require that foreign manufactured vehicles must meet the above standards. Destruction of vehicles is the penalty charged for failure to comply with the policies.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The barriers of communication in organizations

The barriers of communication in organizations A good effective communication in a business is necessary and specially in this competitive business world. A good communication in an organization will alone lead the employee to success. A team member will be able to take a profitable and productive decision in favor of the organization but the knowledge of barriers in communication can be good for employee and important for human resource professional so that they can take different techniques to deal with the communication issue. And some of commonly observed communication problem in business are as follows. Language barriers: Language barriers are major issue and lack of language knowledge can also be one of the biggest problems in an organization workplace and this specially observed in multi- national organization where employee work from different countries, with different nationality and they speak different languages as their mother tounge is different. This is a big issue but can be sort it out by the senior managers. Cultural barriers : Different culture people working together can be lead to cultural barriers and which can be one kind of communication barriers in the multi- national organization. this basically because people belonging from different country and cultures. Employee may find it difficult to communicate and feel hesitant to mix up with each other. Cultural diversity in the workplace can help greatly in dealing with this kind of issues in an organization. HR manager should come up with some unique idea and try to solve this complicated issue. 3)Less grasping power: If listener has less grasping power can lead to communication differences in the business. In a communication between employee and manger the listener has have good active and passive listing skills. If the listener has does not have good listening and detail knowledge on the subject of discussion, then communication gets more complicated and take more time. And this kind of communication barriers can be avoided by extensive research and training to the employee. Importance of good communication in multi-national organization: Effective communication of information and decision is one of the essential component in management and employee relationship. There any other features of communication. It can also work as a motivational tool .all different ways of communication are vital and important it can be written, oral, verbal or non-verbal communication 1) Increase productivity and efficiency: In a multi- national organization when there is proper communication takes place between the employee and the management level. The perfect information is been conveyed between employee which leads to proper action. And as there is less scope of misunderstanding between employees indirectly increases the productivity and services in an efficient manner.. 2) Employee job satisfaction: A good communication in workplace provides a clear path and by this the higher-level and lower can communicate with each other and solve workplace conflicts and problem amongst themselves. By good communication with in workplace will give good scope and will be accepted in healthier manner by both the parties manager and employee. This will decrease the problems and conflicts that the organization faces .and it will increase the productivity and services in the organization. along with that, the employee will get scope to improve their work and will be motivated when they do good work and duties . every time they make mistake or were unable to perform some duties the management can communicate with the employee and get the result in future and healthy communication will eventually lead to satisfaction at work. 3) Convey messages:( Effective communication allows a process to take place. A sender sends a message through a medium and the receiver receives it and then the receiver reviews it and gives the feedback to the sender. With out this process no two people can communicate effectively. Hence, no work or information will be send or received which will lead to no work done so effective communication in vital to convey messages. We can understand that the channels of communication plays an important an organization. Chapter 3 Research methodology According to Johnson p, research methodology is the process of gathering data related to research topic. It helps the researcher by showing the different ways to conduct the research and the systematic ways to solve the research problem (Johnson p, 2000) In the research methodology section, the researcher needs to follow certain steps, which helps the researcher to make the research, the ways to collect the data and the ways to analyze the data which is gathered. According to Saunders M, Lewis P and Thronhill A, we can classify the research methodology into 8 basic types based on the ways of collecting the data. Theoretical- in the theoretical type of research methodology the research is based on the experiment and some kind of hypothesis as to be used by the researcher to begin the research process Applied- in this type of methodology is not suitable for generalized cases and can be used for individual cases and it is empirical and suitable for real world problems. Analytical- in this method the researcher need to rely on the facts and available data to reach the solution to research problem. This research method aims to find out the reasons for the research problem. For example how and why it happened so? Descriptive à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ as the name indicates the research methodology, this method use descriptive ways to find a solution to the research problem. E,[orocal- this methodology is based on the experimental approach of data collection and it increases the possibility that result of the research finding supports the hypothesis of the research. This empirical method also based on the observation way of collecting the data. Conceptual- in this method the researcher need to rely on the existing data and interpret the existing data or develop new theories, which help the researcher to get the solution to the research problem. Quantitative- in the quantitative method the data collected is based on the numerical data . the method depends of mathematical calculations and the statistical reports. The results are in numerical number. Some of the statistical terms used in this type of research method are mean, median, etc. Qualitative- the results for the qualitative analysis prepared on the basis of facts of on the basis of the trend in the chosen sample size. It is not based on the numerical data and it depends on the quality of the chosen sample or colour of the chosen sample ( Saunders M, Lewis P and Thronhill A, 2007) In the given research problem we can choose any of the above defined research methodology. Let us assume we are going to use the quantitative analysis for this research problem. Data collection methods It is the term used to represent the way to collect data related to the research problem. There are two types of data type primary data and the secondary data. The way in which the data collects decides whether the data is primary or secondary. In the research problem we can use the primary data. There are many ways to collect the primary data. The different ways to collect the primary and secondary data are described in the following paragraphs. Ways to collect the primary data There are many different ways that a researcher can make use to gather the primary data. Primary data is the data which comes directly from the sample size. The nature and accuracy of the collected data depends on the method of data collection and the selection of the sample size and location of the research. The different methods to collect the primary data are observation, interviews and printed or mailed questionnaires. Observation method à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ in this method the researcher observes a limited sample size and findings are made on the basis of the observation. It is suitable when the researcher has a very limited number of samples and has enough time to finish the research. Interviews- by this method, the researcher directly or indirectly asks a set of predefined questions to the interviewee and the gathered data is used for the analysis purpose. The researcher can either conduct direct or telephonic interview with the interviewee and it is necessary for the researcher to prepare a set of questions which is related to the research topic. This method is also suitable when the chosen sample size is small. Questionnaires à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ this method of data collection suitable when the researcher need to collect a large number of data. The researcher needs to prepare a questionnaire and answers for the questions should be a one word or the researcher needs to provide a set of options from which a person can choose. Nowadays we can see the researchers use free websites or online tools (for example survey monkey website) to gather the data or the researcher may email the questionnaires to the participants email address. In the research problem we can use the questionnaire method to collect the data from the participants. Ways to collect the secondary data We can gather the secondary data by making use of the existing information or by referring the previous researches conducted by a trusted person or even we can make use of the reports of some trusted sources. For example sometimes it is necessary for the researcher want to know the profit earned by a company in a short period time and in this case we can say that the companyà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s annual report is an example for the secondary data source. In the research we can choose the quantitative analysis as the research methodology and questionnaire as the way to gather the data from the sample size. Set the sample size and location for the data collection The researcher needs to find a sample size which should represent the entire population and should be capable of producing an unbiased result for the research problem. The researcher can not include the entire population in the sample and can randomly choose items from the large population. In the give n research problem we can choose the sample size as 50 people from the population. The sample should contain employees working for the branded organisations and fresh graduates who all are looking for job. In the questionnaire we can include questions related to measure the effectiveness of the retention techniques and the employer branding. In the questionnaire the researcher can include both the popular employers and unpopular employers. For instance the researcher can asks the participant about the organisations which would they likes to work with. In the research we can classify the sample size 50 into 25 employees from the people working in the Sainsbury and 25 from the local people of the selected area. The researcher can approach the above mentioned set of people from the population. It is necessary for the researcher to prepare a schedule for the data collection and can choose a particular location for the data collection. Set timetable for the data collection activities. It is necessary for the researcher to set a date and a time for the collection of data related to the search. By doing this the researcher can track the number of days taken for each activity in the research. Chapter 4 Data analysis and findings After the collection of the data, the researcher needs to evaluate the collected data. The researcher can categorise the data on the basis of age, work and sex and can prepare the information on the basis of that. For example in the current research if we apply the data analysis we may get results similar to that of the following. Out sample size is 50.25 males participated in the survey or 40 people love to work with the branded employers.In this stage the researcher can avoid the unwanted samples from the sample collection and remove the samples which seem to avoid the occurrence of an unbiased result. After the data analysis process, the researcher gets the real data required for the research. Methods to reveal the research findings Once the researcher filtered the collected data, it is necessary to display the findings with the help of some graphs or charts. The common tools used in this method are the scatter diagrams, bar charts and pie diagrams. Sometimes it is necessary for the researcher to use some statistical calculations like mean, median, correlations and graphical displays such as scatter diagrams or regression analysis graphs. As we have chosen the quantitative analysis method and questionnaire method we can make use of some diagrams to represent the findings of the research. For example we can use pie diagrams or bar charts to represent the number of respondents for a particular question. In the case of qualitative analysis, the researcher can use some tabular forms to compare the features of the sample. Chapter 5 Scope of the research In the given research, the researcher has limited the size of the sample to 50 people and the result of the research based on the responses from the chosen sample. The researcher needs to choose the sample to get an unbiased solution to the research problem. In the research, the researcher have chosen 25 employees from the Sainsbury supermarket and 25 people from the public and the data collected from these two groups using the questionnaires. Ethical issues In this section the researcher needs to give much importance to the privacy of the participants in the data collection methods. In the research, the research does not want to collect any personal information from the participants. If the researcher has the details of the participants, the researcher has no rights to use the data with out the consent from the respective person. According to Resnik B D ,the persons who all participated in the data collection method should be independent of the influence of any third parties and the researcher needs to give equal opportunity to all to participate in the data collection process (Resnik B D, 2009). Preparation of research schedule using the Gantt chart According to Barkley B T, the researcher can make use of the Gantt chart to identify the length of the whole research process. It also the researcher to break down the research in to different processes and shows the effective ways to finish the research in time. It shows how the researcher can carry out more than one task at a time (Barkley T, 2006). In the given research also if we apply the Gantt chart, we can break down the processes in to different parts and allocate a particular time schedule for them. it helps the researcher to conduct more than one process at the same time. Conclusion: The report helped me to identify the importance of channels of communication and it gives me insight of how communication play vital role and can be improved and I can make use of these learned things n my final dissertation.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Understanding Kissinger’s Actions Toward Chile Essay -- Foreign Policy

Understanding Kissinger’s Actions Toward Chile Can an individual influence foreign policy? Based upon the eight years that Henry Kissinger was the Secretary of State it is clear that an individual can (Starr 466). It has become apparent through recently released classified documents that Kissinger played a large role in allowing the brutal Pinochet dictatorship over Chile to take place and allowed massive human rights violations to continually occur during the Pinochet regime. What is continually being attempted to understand is why Kissinger acted as he did towards Chile. The goal of stopping the spread of communism to Latin America is obvious in Kissinger’s actions, but why allow Pinochet to continue to receive United States support while he breaks International Human Rights Laws (Kornbluh 5)? To understand Kissinger’s actions toward Chile it is necessary to analyze his background. Considering that he was born in Germany and fled to the United States to escape the Nazi’s, there most certainly was previous life experiences that contributed to his foreign policy beliefs (Crapol 260). As a politician, Kissinger gained an extraordinarily high level of popularity for a man of his position. Thus, his dealings with Chile may have been more of an effort to uphold his reputation than an eagerness to do what is best for Chile and the United States. Therefore, it can be considered that Kissinger’s strict realist view and constant attempt to create stability and order was derived from his past experiences as a Jewish Refugee and his actions as a Secretary of State may have been skewed by his desire to keep his popular status in the United States media and public (Starr 467 and 477; Crapol 260-265). Kissinger’s past experi... ...ton: Houghton Mifflin, 1957. Kornbluh, Peter. â€Å"Kissinger and Pinochet.† The Nation. 268. 12 (1999) p. 5. 1 March 2005. . Starr, Harvey. â€Å"The Kissinger Years: Studying Individuals and Foreign Policy.† International Studies Quarterly. Vol. 24, No. 4. (Dec., 1980), p. 465-496. 10 April 2005. . Walker, Stephen G. â€Å"The Interface between Beliefs and Behavior: Henry Kissinger's Operational Code and the Vietnam War.† The Journal of Conflict Resolution. Vol. 21, No. 1. (Mar., 1977), p. 129-168. 10 April 2005. .

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Necklace :: Guy De Maupassant The Necklace Essays

The Necklace   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In any literay work, it is absolutely essential to have characters, whether major or minor. It is also necessary to develop these characters through out the story. Character development gives the reader insight to the more important meanings or lessons of the story. These lessons are usually brought out by the events that take place within the story. Looking at Guy De Maupassant's piece â€Å"The Necklace†, we see a very clear development of the main character Mathidle. In the story, we see a change in her attitude about life. This change come about when she has to learn one of life's little lessons the hard way. She and her husband are forced to live a life of hard work and struggle because of her own selfish desires. Mathilde changes from a woman who spends her time dreaming of all the riches and glory she doesn't have, to realizing that she over looked all the riches she did have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story opens with the description of how miserable Mathilde is. Maupassant describes her as â€Å"suffering constantly, feeling herself destined for all delicacies and luxeries.† (Pg 4) She sits dreaming of silent rooms nicely decorated and her own private room, scented with perfume to have intimate â€Å"tete- a-tetes† with her closest friends. Then she is awakened, only to realize that she is in her own grim apartment. In her eyes, she lives a tortured and unfair life. Mathidle has a husband named Losiel. He is much the opposite of his wife. He is completely content with his lifestyle. He seems to be a very passive person, who doesn't let status or riches effect him. Of course, if he had the chance to be rich he would, but he doesn't dwell on the fact that he is part of the middle class. He seems ot be a hard worker and does his best to provide for his wife. He demonstrates is simplicity the one night at dinner Losiel and Mathilde sit down to eat. Mathidle is dreaming of fancy four course meals, while he is ecstatic because they are eating boiled beef.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Losiel is aware that his wife has not yet adjusted to her status. One night, he had come home from work very excited. He had worked extra hard to get he and his wife invited to one of the biggest parties ever. Losiel thought this would be please his wife, when in fact it only made her upset. Here was Losiel trying to please his wife and she just started to cry. This just goes to show how ungreatful she really is.

Foods Market Essay

For months, Whole Foods Market and its legal team have waged a very public battle against the Federal Trade Commission’s charges that the high-end grocer’s 2007 merger with Wild Oats Markets violated antitrust laws. The court fight started in June 2007 when FTC lawyers first tried to prevent the merger by filing suit in the U. S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Then, last October, Whole Foods raised the stakes by unleashing lobbying and media campaigns against the FTC. After all of that, this morning’s announcement that Whole Foods has agreed to settle with the FTC raises an obvious question: Why? Decherd partner Paul Denis, who has represented Whole Foods since 2007 in defending the merger, says it came down to money, and Whole Foods also just wanted to move on. â€Å"This is a very expensive process,† he says, adding that Whole Foods â€Å"thought if made sense to try to eliminate that cash burden. † In December, Whole Foods said it had spent $16 million on attorney and expert fees since 2007. Asked whether allocating additional resources to the public fight against the FTC was worth it for his client, Denis says, â€Å"You do what you have to defend yourself. †¦You can never ask yourself is it worth it. †

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Modelling a Frame Subjected to Multiple Loading Conditions Essay

In this experiment the main aim was to modelling a frame subjected to multiple loading conditions and record how the force and strain vary to different loads. The frame represented a simple roof trusses and the loading conditions are similar to what a typical roof would undergo. In this experiment a universal fame was used with load cells to provide the load and digital force and strain instruments to record the data. As the load was increased the strain went up linear showing a linear relationship between loading and strain. After analysing results it was found that the results for experimental forces compared to theoretical forces were very close showing that this experiment was very accurate, with very small uncertainty, the reason for this is due to very sensitive equipment as a change of 1 µ? is equivalent to change of 6 N (using young’s modulus) and other factors described in detail in the report. Table of Contents Summary 1 Introduction Pg 4 2 Theory Pg. 4 3. 1 Apparatus Pg 6 3. 2 Experimental procedures Pg 8 4 Observation and results Pg 8 4. 1 Results Pg8 4. 2 Observations Pg11 4. 3 Discussion Pg11 4. 4 Sources of error Pg11 5 Conclusions Pg12 References Pg13 Appendices Pg13 Introduction The aim of this laboratory was to carry out an experiment to measure the strain in members of a frame, where load was being applied in different loading conditions. This experiment was carried out to put to use the theory learnt in lectures and see how they actually perform in a real life model. By doing this it is possible to appreciate the limit of theoretical approach to these loading conditions and compare the errors. The model used in the experiment was that of an idealised roof truss, a roof must withstand a lot of force over a long time during its lifetime. Three 3 different loading scenarios will be modelled and the strain forces are expected to be within the range of the calculated theoretical forces. Main aims were: 1. Measure the strain in each member and record results 2. Calculate theoretical values for the experiment 3. Compare theoretical values with experimental results and calculate percentage error Theory In a frame model where there is a load being applied members of the frame will feel a compressive or tensional force. The value of the force can be worked out by resolving the forces in horizontal and vertical directions and taking moments. This is done by analysing each of the joints of Fig 1 separately. In a rigid static frame the sum of the vector forces add up to zero Fig 1 model of experiment The first loading model has is simulated with a load of 500N. First work out the value for the reaction force at the supports. Then use these values to calculate the tension in each member of the truss. Hand written theory in appendix (1) Apparatus The apparatus used in this experiment are by Tecquipment STR8 Pin-jointed Frameworks Digital force display -500N to 500 N Digital strain display- 1Ãâ€"10-9 ? Load cell – 0-500N range Screwdriver Experimental procedures Test 1 1. Calibrate the load reading instruments to measure zero on channel 1 on the digital load display, if the display shows load being applied then adjust the appropriate load cell W1 by rotating the appropriate knob. Test 2 1. Carefully remove the pin that is holding load W1 and reinstate load W2 2. When no load is being applied to the members check the digital strain display, there are 13 channels one for each gauge. Each gauge must be reading zero if not use adjust the reading to read zero as close by using a small screw driver. 3. Make sure the load cell W2 does not interfere with the frame. 4. In table 1 record the strain values of each member from the digital strain display. 5. Next apply a load of 100N to the load cell W1 by turning the handle anti clockwise then read the digital strain display for channels 1 to13 and record in the table. 6. Repeat steps 5 for loads 200N, 300N, 400N and 500N 7. After recording all values reduce the load to zero by rotating clockwise. 8. Using the values of strain for 500N load calculate their equivalent member forces and record them in table 3 using the following equations : Test 3 1. For this model both load cells must be loaded on to the frame 2. In table record the strain values of each member from the digital strain display when no load is being applied 3. Next apply a load of 500N to the load cell W1 by turning the handle anti clockwise then read the digital strain display for channels 1 to13 and record in the table. 4. Switching to channel 2 on the digital force display apply a load of 100N then read the digital strain display for channels 1 to13 and record in the table 5. Repeat steps 4 for loads 200N, 300N, 400N and 500N on load cell W2 6. After recording all values reduce the load to zero by rotating clockwise. 7. Using the values of strain for 500N load calculate their equivalent member forces How to use the strain to convert into force is described in the appendix (2) 4. Results and observations 4. 1 Results CENTRAL LOADING Angled loading Multiple loading The sum of experimental forces for loading of 500 N in loading 1 and 2 4. 2 Observation Allow the equipment to stabilise by waiting 5 minutes in order to eliminate and uncertainty due to heat affecting resistance values. There are no significant health and safety risks in this experiment. 4. 3Discussion A way in which to improve the results of the experiment would be to take repeat readings of the strain for each gauge at least three times in order to eliminate any anomalous results. Another addition would be having different loading conditions on the frame and see how they affect the two gauges EF and IJ as they experience any strain which could lead to the question are these members required and do they make any difference. In loading condition 3 by having 2 load cells you create a model where there are members which are superimposed. When analysing table 8 and looking at the sum of the experimental values are larger than the theoretical value, when looking at member AH the values are notably are different when superimposed. 4. 4 sources of error The main sources of uncertainty will come from the calibration of the device as the digital strain reading instrument has an accuracy of  ± 0. 5Ãâ€"10-10 ? and the digital force display has an accuracy of 0. 5 N. These are very small values; it is difficult to zero the strain display which lead to a poor accuracy. The strain values is calculated by the change in resistance of the wire when it is under tension or compression, however change in temperature would affect the length of the wire therefore giving a different value of resistance leading to inaccurate strain reading. 5. Conclusion After analysing the results in detail it is shown that the difference in theoretical and experimental results is not significantly different and therefore using the theory of resolving forces it is possible to gain an accurate value of true member forces and equally important to simulate and model the situation in real life scenario to gain a true understanding of what is going on. Also analysing table 3 shows that is also possible to calculate the force on a complex load by adding the forces individually. References Mechanics structures and thermo dynamics –university of Warwick Mechanics lectures by Dr. T. Karavasilis http://www. tecquipment. com/Datasheets/STR8_0213. pdf 29/12/2013 Appendices Pin jointed lab briefing sheets Theory (1. ) (2). Stress strain thoery

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of EU Research Paper

Advantages and Disadvantages of EU - Research Paper Example This has promoted economic progress and convergent political ideology that has significantly boosted the peaceful co-existence of the member states. EU has some challenge to the stronger economies that are members like Germany. Their economy is vulnerable to sump in regard to homogeneous currency due to the burden from unstable economies like Greece. The reduced barrier to trade has facilitated cross border transaction. This means significantly lower cost of business among member states with greater gain in terms of efficiency and consistent supply of goods and services. Divergent political ideologies have facilitated internal disagreements on macro and micro-economic policies. This has led to instabilities in specific policy recommendations especially in the aspect of political and economic performance disparities among member states. EU members use a common currency which helps citizens from member states to transact easily in any of the countries. This has promoted economic strength of the region and socio-political co-operation in the region. The effect has been seen in stronger currency relative to the US dollar. Mass consumption that results from this scenario continue to expand the economic performance of the Union. The economic disparity among member states means that the poor performers are exposed to indirect suppression and face significant macroeconomic pressure to comply with the Union’s requirements. This has a structural socio-economic huddle that has seen some member states exhibiting uncooperative behavior. Besides, the globalization effect seems to override some member states capability hence leading to unpredictable economic prospects. Owing to the strong economic ranking of most member states and the mass industrialization that characterize the region, it offers better bargaining power in international market. This has significant boost in industrial growth, political

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

IgG deficiency Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IgG deficiency - Case Study Example IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses have antibodies that act on protein antigens and therefore inhibit roles of the antigens. Antibodies of IgG2 and IgG4, however, acts on antigens of â€Å"carbohydrates and polysaccharide† to impair functions of the antigens (Porth, 2011, p. 361). Defficiency of IgG2 leads to â€Å"sinusitis, otitis media, and pneumonia† that arise from bacteria that are embedded in polysaccharides. Examples of such bacteria are â€Å"S. pneumonia, H. influenza type b, and N. meningitidis† (p. 361). McMillan, Feigin, DeAngelis, & Jones (2006), however, argue that IgG4, unlike the other subclasses, do not have a binding effect that leads to cytotoxicity. No cause of IgG has been identified but genetics is suspected o play a significant role. Parents transfer genes to their children and the genes are responsible for protein development in the body of the offspring. Transferred defective gene is likely to imply defective development of elements of cells that relate to that gene and this suggest high susceptibility of IgG deficiency for people whose parents have the complication (Johns Hopkins University, n.d.). There is no treatment for IgG deficiency but management approaches exist. the approaches target specific infection that arise from the deficiency and not the deficiency. Some of the management approaches, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015), are vaccine against pneumonia and other live vaccines. â€Å"OPV2, BCG, yellow fever,† vaccines are however contraindicated. The recommended vaccines reduce susceptibility to the infections and therefore undermine pathophyliology of IgG deficiency (n.p. ). While these aim at preventing occurrence of associated complication, treatment of the complication is an alternative measure to managing IgG deficiency. Infections such as allergies may reoccur and require constant antibiotic medication. In extreme cases, however, direct

Monday, October 7, 2019

MODERN JEWISH HISTORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

MODERN JEWISH HISTORY - Essay Example The process of Jewish assimilation involved the cultural assimilation and social integration of the Jews. The Jews used to earlier live in their own tightly integrated community and would hardly integrate with the rest of the cultures in the world. However, during the age of enlightenment, the Jews started integrating themselves with the social surrounding of other cultures in order to assimilate themselves with the east and the western parts of the world. The primary reason as to why the Jews assimilated to different parts of the world, including South America and the Caribbean was to attain nationality in such countries as a way of integrating themselves with various cultures of the world. This phenomenon happened in slow stages, although by the end of the 19th century the Jews had placed themselves with various European and South American cultures, thus socializing with them and attaining their citizenship. This paper shall now address the methods adopted by the Jews to assimilate themselves with rest of the world. When the world was on the journey of renaissance, the Jews had their own place in history. They used to live with each other in a closed nit group and would seldom interact with the rest of the cultures. ... However, Christians, Muslims and other orthodox sects regarded this as disrespect to their culture. Since the Muslims were involved in social integration with Christians, there was a sense of acceptance for them from the European world. However, the Jews never met the same fate since they did not bother to socialize with the remaining class of people. This turned out to be a fallacy for them since they were not looked in the correct perspective from the outer world. The Jews were always a tiny minority since the time their religion came into existence. The Jews were the worshippers of a single God, and the fact that they were such a tiny minority did not allow them to socially integrate with other cultures, as they thought that if they would then the importance of their religion would go down as opposed to Christians and the Muslims, who were much bigger in numbers in comparison to their Jewish counterparts. The struggle to preserve their culture, the language along with their custom was the biggest stumbling block for the Jews in their attempt to socialize with the rest of the world. Those who moved within the European vicinity and adopted the European culture were met with much criticism. The conservative Jews, thus leading to an internal conflict among the Jews as to who were the purists, regarded them as outsiders. The conservatives always opposed the idea of integration, and this led to a break in the fragmentation of Jewish culture. The conservatives never accepted the liberals, and the liberals found it hard to integrate with the socially demanding European cultures consisting of Christians and Muslims, who were in much greater numbers, thus posing a threat to their identity,

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Philosophy of Science (follow on piece) Coursework

Philosophy of Science (follow on piece) - Coursework Example e European astrologists pay more attention to planets and their supposed influence on the people, while their counterparts in Ancient Egypt were more concerned with constellations and attributed the similar functions to them. If an astrologist practices this science in such a way and comes to such remarkable results, then surely the latter should be taken into close consideration and carefully examined. However, even such remarkable fact will not be able to prove that astrology in general is a real science and many people who practice it before did not care to perform such experiments and were not strict about their scientific investigation. As for a shift in paradigm of astrology, it is true that sometimes sciences discover fundamental facts do not need more proof. However, in case of astrology, one might suggest that there has not been hardly any proof of its postulates. That is why if a careful investigation is done, the alleged influence of the planets might need to be

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 15

Management accounting - Essay Example On the basis of this,the budget allocation needs require to be constantly updated (Govindarajan& Shank, 1992). This report will discuss the descriptive and reflective requirement of the formal budgeting process. This has become a necessity of the business because of the increasing volatility. The budgets need to be allocated accordingly so that the benefits can be acquired. The businesses irrespective of their sizes require maintaining their budgets appropriately. With the budgeting processes,the businesses control and determine the tools through which the profits and the bonuses can be allocated within the business. The objective of budget allocation is that the companies can ensure that the financial stability is maintained and with this it also prevents the budgets from becoming negative. In the large businesses,the budgeting process has the highest priority. On the basis of this,the organizations manage their operations. The strategic managers set the goals and on the basis of finance available they allocate the budgets of accomplishing the required tasks. Once the budget is approved it becomes a road map and on the basis of this the future development is planned and structured. The budget development requires that the strategy which is approved by the strategic managers is delivered to the workforce and that they understand what the organization wants from them. The most essential use of the plan is allocation of resources and keeping the workforce prepared against the opportunities and barriers. The budgeting process can be divided into two subcategories. Theseare the traditional and zero based budgets. In the traditional budgets,the analysis is done on the basis of historical modifications and projections. All these are established on the basis of inflation and the growth rate. In the zero based budget a completely new budget is created, and all the capital is raised separately.

Friday, October 4, 2019

How Do Narcotics Affect the Body Essay Example for Free

How Do Narcotics Affect the Body Essay The term, narcotics is often used to refer to any illegal drugé Å¾Ã¦ ³â€¢Ã¦ ¯â€™Ã¥â€œ . That could include anything from prescription pillsto cocaine. However, narcotics does actually refer to a specific type of drug as well. So, before we delve into this type of drugs effects, lets first define it. What Are Narcotics? Though narcotics is a term thrown around referring drugs in general, it actually refers to drugs that are derived from opium which originates from the opium poppy plant, and is related to heroin, morphine, and other drugs common to opiate addiction. The confusion between the generic vs. specific terminology has gotten so bad, some experts have turned to calling narcotics opioids to help stifle the confusion. Common types of narcotics include barbiturates, benzodiazepines, heroin, opium in the form of morphine andcodeine, oxycodone and Vicodin.Ã¥ · ´Ã¦ ¯â€Ã¥ ¦ ¥Ã§ ± »Ã¯ ¼Å'è‹ ¯Ã¤ ºÅ'æ ° ®Ã¥ â€œÃ§ ± »Ã¨  ¯Ã§â€° ©Ã¯ ¼Å'æ µ ·Ã¦ ´â€ºÃ¥â€º  Ã¯ ¼Å'é ¸ ¦Ã§â€°â€¡Ã¯ ¼Å'Ã¥ â€"å• ¡ How Do Narcotics Affect the Body? Narcotic drugs can affect the body in various ways. There are of course legitimate uses for them, like treating pain, anxiety, aggression and even diarrhea. Ã¥ ½â€œÃ§â€ž ¶Ã¤ ¹Å¸Ã¦Å"‰ä »â€"ä » ¬Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¥ Ë†Ã¦ ³â€¢Ã§â€ ¨Ã©â‚¬â€Ã¯ ¼Å'Ã¥ ¦â€šÃ¦ ² »Ã§â€"â€"çâ€" ¼Ã§â€"ݕ ¼Å'ç„ ¦Ã¨â„¢â€˜Ã¯ ¼Å'ä ¾ µÃ§â€¢ ¥Ã¯ ¼Å'甚è‡ ³Ã¨â€¦ ¹Ã¦ ³ »Ã£â‚¬â€š However, they are highly addictive and what starts out as a prescribed medication can often turn into an illegal situation of prescription pill abuse. Other side effects include drowsiness, flushing, upset stomach, urinary retention and respiratory depression. It is very easy to become dependent on narcotics due to your bodys building up of a tolerance to the drugs. This means you have to take more and more of it to feel the same way. What Are the Dangers of Narcotics? Even though recreational users of these drugs experience an overall sense of wellbeing while high, there are numerous dangers that go along with their ingestion. Toxicity can develop, which could cause you to lose motor coordination and slur your speech. Whats especially dangerous about narcotics like heroin is that they are taken into the body by means of a needle, which puts you at risk for developing skin infections, hepatitis and even HIV/AIDS. While the drug itself is dangerous, in this case, it is often the method by which it is put in the body that can cause the most harm. Other problems include a likelihood of overdosing. Even though you build up a tolerance to the drug over time, you still require more and more to feel the same effects. At some point, you could experience respiratory depression and could even die. What Steps Should Be Taken to Stop Narcotics Abuse? Trying to quit using narcotics is not an easy process. No one ever said it was. However, you can do it with the proper sort of guidance and help; especially during the detoxification process which can be extremely unpleasant. That means enlisting the help of a top detox center, and enrolling in a drug treatment program that helps you go through the withdrawal process without feeling pain and then deal with the mental and emotional reasons you sought out narcotics use in the first place. Perhaps even more important than going torehab, is the maintenance afterward. It can be difficult to try and reenter society after beating adrug addiction without a program to get you started. Thats why it would be a good idea to stay in an ongoing treatment program that allows you to talk with people just like you and receive the support you need. Only then can you beat your addiction to narcotics for the long-term. The Effect of Part-Time Jobs on Students While academics are the main focus of college students, many will also spend their college years in part-time employment. In the report Student Employment and Higher Education: Empiricism and Contradiction, members of the American Educational Research Association reported that more than 50 percent of students attending four-year colleges work part time. The reasons for working may varyearning funds for tuition or spending moneybut many benefits exist beyond the paycheck. Balancing a Schedule * Balancing a part-time job while attending classes full-time will force a student to balance their schedule. A March 2009 study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics says students with part-time work reduce the time spent on homework, sleeping, socialization and life maintenance by 84 percent. A student employee will need to learn how to not let the decrease on time spent on studying show in her academic performance. Experiencing Workplace Culture * Classroom learning is important, but the culture of workplaces and offices are hard to impart within the classroom. Holding down a regular position outside the classroom will allow students to gain firsthand experience in office culture and politics, which will be helpful upon graduation and their first full-time job. Its All Who You Know * In todays weak economy, it is even more crucial for students to make as many valuable connections as possible. Working part time for a campus office or off-campus organization will allow students to network outside their social circles, giving them valuable recommendations and contacts for their full-time job search. Accountability and Responsibility * According to Work on the Campus: Benefits for Student and Institution by Mary Roark, Values, skills, emotional maturity, personal identity and integrity are fostered through (on-campus) employment experiences. Student-employees will learn to be accountable for their actions in a non-classroom or home environment, and experience how responsibility is delegated and evaluated in an office. Basic Skills * Many on-campus part-time jobs will give students the opportunity to learn administrative skills, such as phone and email etiquette, office electronics troubleshooting, and meeting manners. Gaining such skills while in school will place a student-employee ahead of the curve when they enter the full-time workforce. IMPORTANCE OF ENGLÄ °SH: In today’s global world, the importance of English can not be denied and ignored since English is the most common language spoken everwhere. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and education, which, in my opinion, is the most important arena where English is needed. Particularly, as a developing country, Turkey needs to make use of this world-wide spoken language in order to prove its international power. This can merely be based on the efficiency of tertiary education. Consequently, English should be the medium of instruction at universities in Turkey for the following three reasons: finding a high-quality job, communicating with the international world, and accessing scientific sources in the student’s major field. The first reason for why English should be the medium of instruction at universities in Turkey is that it helps students find a high quality jobs for students to find. In business life, the most important common language is obviously English. In addition to this, especially, high-quality jobs need good understanding ability and speaking in English. Therefore, companies can easily open out to other countries, and these companies generally employ graduates whose English is fluent and orderly. For example, the student who is graduated from a university which takes English as a major language will find a better or high-quality job than other students who don’t know English adequately. In other words, the student who knows English is able to be more efficient in his job because he can use the information from foreign sources and web sites. He can prepare his assigments and tasks with the help of these information. Therefore, undoubtedly, his managers would like his effort or prepared projects. In addition, many high-quality jobs are related with international communication and world-wide data sharing. University graduates who are in a international company and business are needed to communicate with foreign workers. For instance, if their managers want them to share the company’s data, they are expected to know English. Moreover, they will even have to go business trip for their company. Absolutely, all of these depend on speaking English;as a result, new graduates have to know English in order to get a high-quality job, and the others, who don’t know English, may have lack of communication and be paid less money. The second and the most important reason, for English to be the medium of instruction in the Turkish higher education system is that it enables students to communicate with the international world. In these days, in my opinion, the most important thing for both university students and graduates is to follow the development in tecnology. For this reason, they have to learn common language. Certainly, they should not lose their interest on communicating with the world. However, some of the university students can’t obtain English education in their university. Unfortunately, these people may lose their communication with worldwide subjects and topics. In short, they will not communicate foreign people. To prevent these people from lacking of speaking English, universities’ administration will provide English education to them. In addition, university students can use some specific hardware and software of computers with their English to communicate others. For example, the Internet, which, in my opinion, is the largest source in the world, based on English knowledge and information. Also, most of the softwares such as â€Å"Windows†, â€Å"Microsoft Office†, â€Å"Internet Explorer† are firstly written in English, and these programs are the basic vital things for communication over computer. That is to say, even in a little resarch about something, they need these programs and the Internet to find necessary sources and information. The last reason for favouring English as the medium of instruction of Turkish universities is that it faclitates accessing information. All of the students have to do some projects or homeworks which are related with their field during the university education. In these projects or homeworks, they have to find some information which is connected with their subject. They find sources from English web sites and books, but they have to replace these data to their projects. During these process, if they know English, they will not come across with any difficulty, but if they don’t know, even they may not use these data. As a result, the student who knows English will be more successful at his/her project. For this reason, to obstruct possible inequity between students, management of universities should accept English as a second language in order to provide accessing information to the students. In short, university students need to know English to access information. All in all, the education in universities should be done with English for three reasons. First, students who know English are able to find their favourite job related with their field. Second, they can communicate with others internationally. Third, as a major language in universities, English makes accessing information easy for students. In my opinion, internationally, people need one common language. For many years, English has been the common wold-wide language, and it will be in the future. For this reason, if you want to follow trends, new gadgets and technology, modernization of the developing world, you have to know English whatever age you are in.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Gender and Sexuality Barriers in Healthcare

Gender and Sexuality Barriers in Healthcare â€Å"Vancouver School Board Introduces Gender-Neutral Pronouns† – and many similar headlines spanned across website pages and swept newspapers stands just this past summer, surely an indication of progressive politics in action for the queer people of Vancouver. In this case, giving non-binary and gender-neutral identifying students in Vancouver a chance to use gender-neutral pronouns – pronouns that do not make assumptions about a person’s gender. No longer are they stuck having their identities ignored at school: they can be recognized and respected in official records for who they are. This recent event demonstrates how the social barriers that complicate the lives of queer people are disintegrating; however to me, it begs the question: are the same barriers disintegrating within the workplace? Or are they still present and as strong as ever? The barriers in question being a situation or event in which a non-binary gender (transgender) identified indiv idual is treated differently to a non-transgender individual, or if the same discrimination applies to someone because of their sexual preferences (sexuality). It is also important to understand the definition of â€Å"queer† and the false negative connotation that society associates with the word. The negativity stems from its original meaning of â€Å"bizarre†, â€Å"strange†, or â€Å"outlandish†; however, the word has evolved over time to now define and encompass people within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. In its essence, the evolution of the word is parallel to societies’ attitudes towards queer individuals – changing rapidly for a virtuous cause. Not only is the discrimination being experienced by queer people unethical, disrespectful, and wrong, but these barriers that Eliason et al., Brewster et al., and others have proven to exist through their research must be preventing a whole range of studies and fields of research from progressing as lawyers, scientists, doctors, and more are not hired solely based on their gender or sexuality (Eliason et al., 1365). It is also evident that many queer people will in fact leave their work place because of the discrimination, or even be fired because of higher management discovering their sexuality or gender (Eliason et al., 1365). In an effort to diminish these clearly existing barriers, the most prominent ones in the field of healthcare will be researched and discussed: What do scholars suggest are some of the key gender and sexuality barriers that exist within healthcare, and prevent others from entering healthcare in 21st century North America? Beginning with gender barriers that queer patients face inside the field itself, it is clear that physicians are less comfortable working with male-to-female (MTF) and female-to-male (FTM) transgender individuals than lesbian, bisexual, or gay (LGB) individuals, based on Eliason et al.’s research in 2011. The study spanned 45% of LGBT physicians in the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association and a select number of heterosexual, non-transgender physicians in the American Medical Association (AMM). Of the male physicians in the AMM, only 65% felt comfortable working with MTF patients, and 64% felt comfortable working with FTM patients (Eliason et al., 1363). The female physicians in the AMM came in with slightly elevated numbers: 66% felt comfortable working with MTF patients, and 69% felt comfortable working with FTM patients (Eliason et al., 1363). These numbers are relatively low when compared to comfortableness levels of physicians working with LGB patients. This can generally b e expected, as society has had more time to grow accustomed to LGB individuals, and thus most physicians are more comfortable when practicing with LGB patients, with an average comfortableness rate of 92%, 93.5%, and 91.25%, respectively (Eliason et al., 1363). A physician’s uncomfortableness levels with MTF and FTM patients can be related to unacceptable behaviour such as denying of patient referrals and accusation of â€Å"unethical behaviour† (Eliason et al., 1365). Non-conventional gender and transgender ideals â€Å"[†¦] challenge prevailing social conventions regarding the expression of gender [†¦]†, according to Brewster et al., who quoted Fassinger and Arsenau in their 2007 study, and are very new to not only the healthcare workplace, but society in general (61). However, according to Eliason et al., queer discomfort with patients stems from not only general unease due to differing societal norms, but the lack of LGBT education within medical s chools across the United States. Their study finds that some students are only exposed to as little as one hour of transgender health studies across their whole time spent at medical school. Of which, 56% of the students described the little time they had as â€Å"unhelpful†, whereas 76% of the students said that their own â€Å"personal experience working with LGBT patients† was very helpful (Eliason et al., 1362). Based on this research, these personal experiences should be cultivated in medical school in order to prepare students for facing real life experiences with LGBT patients when they proceed to become a physician. Even after stepping out of the healthcare work environment and looking at entrance to the field of healthcare as an LGB individual, it is apparent that sexuality barriers of entry to healthcare exist during even the earliest stages of education. 15% of students in Merchant’s, Jongco’s, and Artemio’s study were found not to disclose their sexuality during admission interviews to medical school because they felt that they would not be admitted if they did (786). Another 17% of students did not disclose their sexuality because they felt uncomfortable in the interview environment (Merchant, Jongco, Artemio, 786). Based on this evidence, one can extrapolate that a medical school which openly advertises LGBT support and education would essentially disintegrate these problems of interview admission, and also help bridge the apparent â€Å"not at all comfortable† gap between physicians and LGBT patients (Eliason et al., 1363). In the bigger picture, a student†™s sexuality is of no concern to any admission advisor of any school; students are not admitted, or should have their admission affected by their sexuality or gender identification. Additionally, from an objective point of view, if a medical school were to publicly advertise their openness and accepting nature of LGBT students, they would have more students apply and thus gain popularity, as LGBT students will seek out education in environments in which they are accepted and respected. This is evident in Merchant’s, Jongco’s, and Artemio’s study, which displays a drastic increase in the number of students willing to disclose their sexuality when applying for university residence, as they are aware of the university in question’s advertised â€Å"affirming environment†, and that there is no consequence for admitting so (787). Even after graduating medical school, LGBT physician’s work environments do not seem to improve in any notable fashion. Common experiences amongst colleagues in the workplace consist of 65% of LGBT individuals recall hearing â€Å"disparaging remarks†, 22% feeling â€Å"socially ostracized†, and 15% being harassed by their fellow coworkers (Eliason et al., 1365). General psychology agrees that this discrimination is mostly due to the simple human nature of pushing away things that do not fit the sociological norm. Conversely, Brewster et al. present an alternative view on the source of workplace discomfort with LGBT individuals; describing the workplace relationships as being built from â€Å"lower job satisfaction and higher anxiety†, using Lyons et al.’s, Smith Ingram’s, and Waldo’s research to prove their point (61). Although almost all researchers agree that the negativity towards LGBT patients, LGBT physicians in the workplace, and LGBT students is decreasing, there is a common consensus among gender and sexuality researchers that it is difficult to measure the rate of change in negativity (Burke, White, 61; Eliason et al., 1366). The difficulty arises from having simply too small of a sample size for conducting research at regular intervals of time. Burke and White argue that LGB individuals comprise of roughly 3% of the population (a very â€Å"conservative estimate†), and that if these proportions apply to the healthcare field, there would only be 20,000 LGB physicians across the country (61). And of course, not all of these physicians would be willing to participate in a study. This limits a research essay to only having a select few studies available for analysis. Another limitation that exists within queer research is the fact that gender-variant and differing sexualities are very new, and thus have had less time to be observed and addressed. However, as society becomes more accepting over the course of time in the workplace, the barriers of gender and sexuality to healthcare should shatter to give rise to acceptance, and research will hopefully not be in need at all. Works Cited Eliason, Michele J., Suzanne L. Dibble, and Patricia A. Robertson. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Physicians Experiences in the Workplace. Journal of Homosexuality 58.10 (2011): 1355-371. LGBT Life with Full Text. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. Brewster, Melanie E., Velez Brandon, DeBlaere Cirleen, and Moradi Bonnie. Transgender Individuals Workplace Experiences: The Applicability of Sexual Minority Measures and Models. Journal of Counseling Pyschology 59 (2012): 60-70. PsycARTICLES. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. Burke, Brian. P., White, Jocelyn C. The Well-being of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Physicians. Western Journal of Medicine 174.1 (2001): 59-62. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. Merchant, Roland C., Artemio M. Jongco, and Luke Woodward. Disclosure of Sexual Orientation by Medical Students and Residency Applicants. Academic Medicine 80.8 (2005): 786. PsycINFO. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.