Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Essay example --

Palmore v. Sidoti(1984),the court ruled that it was unconstitutional to transfer custody of white children to their father solely on the fact that the mother lived with a colored (black) man. The court did acknowledge the fact it may not be in the â€Å"best interest† for the child to actually live in a transracial family but held the equal protection doctrine preventing consideration that the race of a potential parent could hinder in the making of custody decisions. Around the 60’s and 70’s, other courts prohibited legal state bans on transracial, seeing them as inconsistent with equal protection doctrine. South Africa today has a related development lifting transracial adoption bans in order to move toward abolishment of racism. â€Å"The quickest cure for racism would be to have everyone in the country adopt a child of another race. No matter what your beliefs, when you hold a four-day-old infant, love him, and care for him, you don’t see skin color, you see a little person that is very much in need of your love.†(Robert Dale Morrison). In 1972 something strange happened within the U.S; a...

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